Kimberly Lee

Kimberly Lee, JD, is a versatile writer, editor, creativity coach, and facilitator with a passion for nurturing the imaginative spirit and helping others reveal their own inner wisdom. A graduate of Stanford University and UC Davis School of Law, she is a former editor at Literary Mama and has served on the staffs of Carve and F(r)iction magazines. Kimberly is certified as a facilitator by The Center for Journal Therapy, The Center for Intentional Creativity, Guided Autobiography, SoulCollage®, and Amherst Writers & Artists, where she serves on the board of directors. She holds a certificate in copyediting from UC San Diego and is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association and ACES: The Society for Editing. Her work has appeared in Minerva Rising, LA Parent, Words and Whispers, Toyon, the Ekphrastic Review, on the Better Sleep app, and elsewhere. Kimberly trusts in the magic and mystery of miracles and synchronicity, and believes that everyone is creative and has a unique voice to share. She lives in Southern California with her husband and three children. Connect with Kimberly at and on Instagram @klcreatrix