Annual Report

Establishing Our Roots

September 1, 2022–August 31, 2023

Dear Loft Community,

Most seeds in nature are planted in the fall. After they take foot in the ground, they require at least two months of winter resting to germinate. The cold temperatures and wet earth softens and weathers the seed. It begins to change the structure and by the time the earth warms in spring, the zygote inside is now ready to break through the seed coat in search of sun and nutrients.  

As we reflect back on our Fiscal Year 23 (FY23), we’re filled with gratitude and excitement for the strides we’ve made and the seeds we’ve planted together. We embraced the challenges and changes before us with a spirit of openness and reflection, and have begun to activate the zygote inside toward reaching our ambitious goals related to antiracism, equity, and access. 

That zygote still reflects the original source from which it grew, but even so, it is new and changed. In our journey to redefine and strengthen our core identity, we undertook a comprehensive strategic planning process. One of the most fundamental and key results of this process was a new organizational mission, vision, and values statement. These new words form the backbone of our aspirations, commitments, and promises to our community.  

As we prepare for big changes in the coming year, this year has also been particularly momentous as we built and restructured our team around what we affectionately call the butterfly model. This innovative framework has allowed us to reorganize our work around the key impact areas of craft and community, supporting the success of our new mission. Our team has grown stronger with several key hirings, which will allow us to meet our ambitious goals and live up to the expectations we've set for ourselves.

We also laid the groundwork to celebrate the Loft’s 50th anniversary in Fiscal Year 24. From our humble beginnings in 1974, founded by a group of radical poets, to becoming one of the most revered and influential writing centers, we are proud of the legacy we've built. As we approach this golden anniversary, we are excited to celebrate our rich history and the bright future ahead, with an eye towards furthering this new vision for the organization.

As any gardener knows, seeding is hard work. Seeds must be tended to, organized, and nurtured. As we look back on this year, we extend our deepest gratitude to our team: staff, board members, teaching artists, program participants, volunteers, donors, community partners, and funders. Your unwavering support and dedication have been instrumental in preparing us to innovate and grow.

With 2023 behind us, we are poised for an exciting future as we continue to build on our nearly 50-year legacy. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our beloved community.


Arleta Little
Executive & Artistic Director

Melinda Ward
Board Chair

Financials and Demographics
Matching Gifts

Ameriprise Financial
Thomson Reuters
McKnight Foundation
Xcel Energy Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Abbott Laboratories
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation
Northwest Area Foundation
United Health Group

Institutional Support

Jerome Foundation
McKnight Foundation
Minnesota State Arts Board*
The William Randolph Hearst Foundations

* Loft activities are made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Instituional Support FY23 100K+
Institutional Support

National Endowment for the Arts
Patrick & Aimee Butler Family Foundation
Star Tribune
Minnesota Public Radio



Institutional Support FY23 25k
Institutional Support
$5,000–$24,999, Amazon Literary Partnership
Boss Foundation
Sahan Journal
American National Bank
Innocent Technologies

Institutional Support

The Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation
Radisson Red Minneapolis - Downtown
The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Archie D. & Bertha H Walker Foundation
Mayfly Design



Thank you, donors.

Your financial support keeps the Loft vital.

Annual Fund

A.M. Campbell
Aaron Donnelly
Aberdeen Rodriguez
Abigail Sugahara
Adriana Estill
Adriana Gordillo
Adrienne Richardson
Aggie Smolecki
Aimee Johnson
Aimee Vue
Akshay Rao
Alan Carpenter
Alan Gaschott
Alan Turkus
Alan Van Wyk
Alena Wenker
Alexa Foster
Alisha Olsen
Alison Baker
Alison McGhee
Alison Morse
Alison Thomas
Allison Amy Wedell
Allison Hinrichs
Allison Vincent
Allyson Cygan
Alvina Brueggemann
Alyssa Ness
Amanda Daus
Amanda Shopa
Amarachi Utah-Adjibola
AmazonSmile Foundation
Amber D. Stoner
Amber Guetebier
Amelia Lynch
Amit Bhati
Amy Coletta-Harrison
Amy Dillon Holter
Amy Etrheim
Amy H. Anderson
Amy Hetland
Amy Humfleet
Amy Padden
Amy W.
Amy Wood
Ana A.
Anadelia Rodriguez
Andrea Grant
Andrea Guenther-Pal
Andrea K. Dolloff
Andrea Sampson Townsend
Andrew Abruzzese
Andrew Kortuem
Andrew Santovi
Andy Dunn
Angele Sancho Passe
Angelina Nguyen
Angie Fruncillo
Anita L. Bradshaw, Ph.D.
Ann and Steve Sundberg
Ann Curoe
Ann E. Boekhoff
Ann Elliot
Ann Long
Ann Page
Ann Regan
Ann Teplick
Ann Viitala
Anna Frykman
Anna Moore
Annamaria McConville
Anne Cowie
Anne Marie Wirth Cauchon
Anne Mohrbacher
Anne Pabst
Anne Piper
Anne Seltz
Anne-Marie Erickson
Annette DesLauriers
Annette P.
Annette Spencer
Annie Clark
Annika Fjelstad
Anonymous (236)
Anthony W. Eichenlaub
Api Sulistyo
Areti Georgopoulos
Arianna Feldman
Art Kaemmer, M.D.
Artie Kerr
Ashley Emerson
Audrey Colasanti
Augie Lindmark
Ayako T.
Azna Amira
Barb Gonzalez
Barb Lindgren
Barb Teed
Barb Wildes
Barbara Bach
Barbara C. Crosby
Barbara Forster of Schwab Charitable
Barbara Gittes
Barbara Lake
Barbara Lubinski
Barbara Moffett
Barbara Radtke
Barbara Rudnicki
Barbara Schmitt
Barry Lehman
Baudelaire F.
Beatrice Blanc
Ben Kwan
Ben Underwood
Benjamin Lucas
Beryl Singleton Bissell
Beth Cleary
Beth Killion
Beth MacDonald
Beth Mayer
Beth Schoeppler and Todd Pierson
Beth Silverwater and Norman Greenberg of Fidelity Charitable
Beth Spencer
Beth Wright
Bethany Kurbis
Betsy McNerney
Betsy Thompson
Bettiana LaSorella
Betty Benson
Betty Hartnett
Beverly Larson
Beverly Smith-Keiling
Bill B.
Bill McBean
Bill Quist
Bill Tuomala
Bill Voedisch and Laurie Carlson
Black Sheep Pizza
Blair Chisholm
Blanche and Thane Hawkins
Bob Lazear
Bohmann/Riehle Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Bonnie Goldsmith
Bonnie Oldre
Bonnie Wilkins Overcott
Brad Engdahl
Brandi Baron
Brandon Lewis
Brendan Fortune
Brenna Proczko
Brent Boyd
Brian Kolner
Brian Murray and Shelly Gill Murray of Schwab Charitable
Brian Newhouse
Brianna Werket
Bridget Murphy
Bronson Lemer
Brooke Jeein
Brown/Gagner Family
Bruce Ario
Bruce Johansen of Fidelity Charitable
Bruce McKendry
C.G. Yager
Cait Kortuem
Calvin and Christine Litsey of Schwab Charitable
Camille Sasik
Candice Gillmore
Candy Vittorini
Cara Hawkinson
Cara Kooiman
Cara Sophia Tollefson
Carissa Tobin and Alex Haley
Carl Brookins
Carl Pheil
Carla Dahl
Carla Hagen and LeRoy Sorenson
Carla-Elaine Johnson
Carlos Mejía Suárez
Carol Hazard
Carol Masters
Carol Rucks
Carol Watzke
Carole A.
Carole R. Wiederhorn
Carolina Morales
Caroline Hale-Coldwell
Caroline Lazarova
Carolyn Holbrook
Carolyn Roby
Carrie Bassett
Cary Griffith
Casey F.
Casey Patrick
Casey Sprague
Cat Perry
Catelyn Czywczynski
Catherine Grotenhuis
Catherine Ma
Catherine Reid Day
Catherine Urdahl
Celeste Koppe
Celina Santana
Chandler Holman
Charlene Roise
Charles King
Charles Leck
Charles Yu
Chelle Gonzo
Cheryl Bailey
Cheryl Lewis
Cheryl Olseth
Chloé Samala Faux
Chris Armstrong
Chris Bremer
Chris Johnson
Chris Mackenzie Jones and Dannah Baynton
Chris McNeill
Christie Greeley
Christina Fanciullo
Christina Joyce
Christine Beeson
Christine Fleming
Christine M. Walter
Christine Rittmann
Christine Tran
Christopher Vaughan
Christy Dietz
Chuck Davich
Cindy Jiban
Cindy Morgan
Cindy Roesel
Claire Comiskey
Claire E. Simonson
Claire Isenthal
Claire Miller
Claire O'Brien
Clareyse Nelson
Clover Earl and Thomas Zell
Coco M.
Cole W. Williams
Colleen Bell
Colleen Muske
Colleen Waterston
Coralee Grebe
Cori Mattli
Cori McKenzie
Cory Carlson
Craig Noles
Curt McNamara
Cyndy Hubbard
Cynthia Bemis Abrams
Cynthia Frank-Stupnik
Cynthia Kraack
Cynthia Wold
D. E. Green
Dale Gregory Anderson
Dan McGuiness
Dana Mattice
Dana Simonson
Daniel and Chris Mahai Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Daniel McCabe
Daphne Brinkerhoff
Dara Beevas
Dara Sanders Dokas
Dave Barrett
Dave King
David and Diane Lilly of the Peravid Foundation
David and Julie Jones of Fidelity Charitable
David Bjerklie
David Bushman
David Earl Whitaker
David Fairbanks
David Hodgson
David Housewright
David Hunter
David Kilpatrick and Julie Schultz
David LaRochelle
David Mura
David Waldschmidt
Dawn Frederick
Deanna Johnson
Deb Fowler and John Schenk
Debbie Fuehrer
Debbie VanTassel
Debbie Wilbers
Debby Edlund
Deborah Keenan and Stephen Seidel
Deborah Steinbar
Debra J. Blake
Debra Johnson
Debra Palmquist
Debra Stone
Denise Felder
Denise L.
Denise White
Dennis Dupont
Derek Davidson
Derek Liebertz
Derek Rucker
Derik Fettig
Devoney Looser
Dia Daniel
dian dewi
Diana Kirkland
Diane Craig
Diane Mountford
Dixie Ohlander
Don Brunnquell and Sally Scoggin of Schwab Charitable
Don Farrell
Don L. Johnson
Don Lifto
Donald and Millie Jones
Donald J. Richardson
Donna Isaac
Donna Kaspersen
Donna Salli
Dorothy Nins, Board Member
Dorothy Schlesselman
Dr. Denise E. Williams
Dr. Kelsey Nathel McDonald and Dr. William Charles McDonald of Vanguard Charitable
Dr. Margaret A. O'Connor M.D. of the Minneapolis Foundation
Drew Miller
Drew Thomes
E. Alan Fleischauer
E.M.A. Chambers
Eboni Stern
Edward Sheehy
Edwin Hong
Elaine Ambrose
Elaine Boyer
Eleanor Savage
Elisabeth Lee
Elissa Elliott
Elissa Mautner
Elizabeth Buckingham
Elizabeth Carls
Elizabeth Fletcher
Elizabeth Grace
Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew and Emily Jarrett Hughes
Elizabeth Johnson and Bob McGarry
Elizabeth Krusen
Elizabeth Schott
Elizabeth Trevathan
Elizabeth Verdick
Elizabeth Wehrwein
Ellen and Jan Breyer
Ellen Austin
Ellen Hastings
Ellen Hoerle
Ellen Lager
Ellena Schoop
Ellie Roscher
Elmer Lovrien
Emily Benz
Emily Klump
Emily Maltz
Emily P.G. Erickson
Emily Peck
Emma Bohmann
Eric Black
Eric Caugh
Eric Erickson
Eric Hucke
Erica Nelson
Erick Reinikka
Erin Bryan
Erin Halden
Erin Lunde
Erin T. Sim
Errol Rubenstein
Eugene Ollila
Eugenie de Rosier
Eva Roethler
Eva Rogers
Evelyn Klein
Fakhra Gulzar
Forrest Peterson
Fox Beckman
Fran Abrams
Frances James
Frances Wetherall
franciszka voeltz
Frank and Frances Wilkinson Foundation
Frankie McNamara
Gabriela Lambert
Gail and Stuart Hanson
Gail R. Rosenblum
Gail Stone
Gary Gimmestad
Gary N.
Gayle Brackin
Gayle Geber
Gemma Irish
Geoff and Holli Johnson
George and Mary Bernhardt
Georgia Greeley
Geraldine Moohr
Gil Maguire
gil olson
Gillian Mattox
Gillian Nevers
Gina Gafford
Gina Musto
Glenda Marsh
Glenna Case
Grace Anderson
Grace Anderson
Greg Laden
Gregg Carlsen
Gregory Luce
Gregory Ripley
Greta Gaard
Gretchen Anthony
Gretchen Hovan
Gwen Davis-Feldman
Gwyn Leder


Hanalei Ramos
Hannah Rongitsch
Hans Wold
Harini Sekar Usha
Harleigh Gabrielson
Harmony Neal
Harris Cameron
Heather and Edward McPherson
Heather Candels
Heather Goodman and Paul Nelson
Heather Koshiol
Heather Meyer
Heid E. Erdrich
Heidi Hermann
Heidi Unglaub
Helga Stuewer
Herb Hemenway
Holly Bayer
Holly Lewis
Hope Ashby
Huck Brock
Hui Brickner
Ira Frank
Irna Landrum
Isabel Harding
Isabella Dawis and Samuel Nelson
Isela Xitlali Gómez
J. Michael Neal
J.J. Velie
J.K. Hall
Jacey Choy
Jack El-Hai
Jack Leonard
Jack Ward
Jackie Madison
Jaclynn Herron
Jacqueline Williams
Jacquelyn Fletcher and Arne Johnson of the Fletcher Family Foundation
Jacquelyn Kelley
Jade Lange
Jaime Satko
Jake Aranyos
James (Jim) Struve
James and Susan Lenfestey of the Lenfestey Family Foundation
James and Susan Roth
James King
James M. Kaufmann
James W. Canaday
James Whitt
Jamey Olsen
Jan DeNoble
Jane Hoffmann
Jane Hollis
Jane Sarles Larson
Jane Simon
Janet F.
Janet Hanafin
Janette Davis
Janice and Dennis Strootman
Janice D.
Janice Post-White
Janice Springer
Janine Hradsky and Cathy Nelson
Javier Morillo
Jay Mastrud
Jay Soli
Jay W.
Jean Freeman
Jeanne Cooney
Jeanne E. Cowan
Jeanne Kobs
Jeanne Lutz
Jeannie Goodspeed
Jenn Nienaber
Jenn Pike
Jenna Hedlund
Jenna Klein-Brown
Jenna Steppe
Jennie Goloboy
Jennifer A. Jones
Jennifer Bicknell
Jennifer Jensen
Jennifer Marcus Newton
Jennifer Oliver
Jennifer Quinlan
Jennifer Randall
Jennifer Rosenstiel
Jennifer Wendt
Jenny Niemela
Jerome and Hope McAllister
Jerry Krause
Jess Clem
Jess Nelson
Jess Settergren
Jessica Anderson
Jessica Peterka
Jessica Wicks
Jil Evans
Jill C. Wheeler
Jill Grunewald and Charles Mack
Jim Chase
Jim Hudak
Jim Kosmo
Jim Moore and JoAnn Verburg
Jim Ostgard
Jim White
Jingyi Li
Joan Amato Kisner
Joan Blessing
Joan Kuzma Costello
Joanna (Yanna) R. Demkiewicz
Joanne Chappellaz
Jocelyn Hale and Glenn Miller of the Minneapolis Foundation
Jodi Anderson-Wolhaupter
Jodi Hebert
Jodi Massey
Joe Loer
Joe Zeigler
Joey McGarvey
Joey Vossen
Johan Wyckoff
John Allison
John and Diana Swanson of Fidelity Charitable
John Armstrong
John Baird Rogers
John Bryson
John Coy and Fiona McCrae
John DeDakis
John Kess
John Provo
John Shekleton
John T. Olsen
Jon Austin
Jonathan Ryss
Joni Abramson
Joseph Tachovsky
Joseph Wright
Joshua Moehling
Josina Manu Maltzman
Joy Baker
Joyce Kennedy
Judith F. Brenner
Judith Helgen
Judith Mattison
Judy Kerr
Judy Moreira
Julia A. Van Etten
Julie Champ
Julie Holston
Julie Huck
Julie Landsman
Julie M.
Julie Sonnek
Julie Yeager
Justin Ellis
Justin Passaro
K. Daphne McDonald
K. Gifford
Kaethe Graves
Kai Benson
Kai Neddersen
Kaitlin Ensor
Kaitlin Meilert
Kaitlin Randolph
Kaitlyn Bohlin
Kalena Miller
Kara Thom
Karen Cadigan
Karen Hering
Karen J. Larson
Karen Jensen
Karen Karsten
Karen Koh
Karen Ryan
Karen Stinson
Karen Sweeney
Karen Touchi-Peters
Karen Zwolenski
Kari Shideman
Kari Vacura
Karl Reichert
Kate Heartfield
Kate Lucas
Kate Nelson
Kate Nyquist
Kate Parry
Kate Smith
Kate St. Vincent Vogl and Jim Vogl
Katelin Grote
Katherine Barton
Katherine Hanson
Katherine Myers
Kathleen Calby
Kathleen Campbell
Kathleen Kimball-Baker
Kathleen M. Keller
Kathleen Malinchoc
Kathryn Ganfield
Kathryn J. Hagen
Kathryn Jensen
Kathryn Nettleman
Kathy Clock
Kathy Hintz
Kathy Jaggi
Kathy Miller
Kathy Mouacheupao
Katie Eckhardt
Katie Meline
Katie Richardson
Katie Virnig
Katie Ware
Katrina Jurrens
Katy Grapp
Katy Jensen
Katy Perry and Andy Horstman
Kay S. Welsch
Kayla Kuo
Kei J. Constantinov, MFA
Keith McConnell
Kelli Felske
Kelly Jo McDonnell
Kelly Lundquist
Kelly O'Sullivan
Kelly Westhoff
Kent and Mandy Adams
Keri Kowski
Keri Schneider
Kevin Fortune
Khursheed Parakh
Kim Kane
Kim Thorn
Kimberlee Penn Erazo
Kimberly Allen
Kimberly Lakenen
Kira Paul
Kirstie Kimball
Kolina Cicero
Kris K.
Krista Burton
Kristen Spargo
Kristi Hemmer
Kristi Johnson
Kristin T.
Kristine Kvamme
Kristine Olson
Kristine Spanier
Kristine Vlaich
Kurt Johnson
Kyah LaBancz
Kyle Miklik
Kyoko Katayama
L. Drommerhausen
L. Stuerman
Lana K. Harris
Lane Patten
Lani Jordan
Lani Willis
Larry Klueh
Larry Schug
Laska Nygaard
Laura Ehramjian
Laura Iandola
Laura Musacchio
Laurel Jung
Lauren Baker and Eric Black
Lauren Schaffran
Lauren Stringer
Laurie A. Derechin
Laurie Greeno
Laurie Hertzel
LaWayne Leno
Lawrence F. Farrar
Lawrence Krantz
Leah Carlson
Leah Christianson
Leatrice Sherer
Lee Linderman
Lee Marsh
Leith Barry
Lena Cicha
Leo Justesen and family
Leslie Ritchie
Leslie Snow
Lewis Mundt
Lia Rivamonte
Libby Hlavka
Lillian Brion
Linda and Spencer Silver
Linda Baynton
Linda Blake
Linda Breitag
Linda Campbell and Fred Quirsfeld
Linda E. Holmes
Linda Kantner
Linda Krug
Linda Landwehr
Linda LeClair
Linda Morrison
Linda Myers Shelton and Larry Shelton
Linda Stallman Gibson
Linda Varvel
Lindagail and Randy Roy
Lindsay Lelivelt
Lindsay McGlynn
Lindsey Anderson
Lindsey Zellman
Linea K.
Linnea Tani
Linus Chan
Lisa Ann Pierce
Lisa Bergin
Lisa Bullard
Lisa C. Friedman
Lisa Gittens
Lisa Higgs and Tobias Kohler
Lisa Leonard
Lisa M. Bolt Simons
Lisa McLean and Michael Dennis Browne
Lisa Meyers McClintick
Lisa Pogoff
Lisa Radzak
Lisa Smith
Lise Schmidt
Lita Fike
Liz Minette
Liz Newberry
Liz Nordlie
Liz Petrangelo and Michael Lundeby
Lizabeth Fiedorow Sjaastad
Lizabeth Parendo
Lizzie McNamara
Lizzy G.
Lore Roethke
Loren Taylor
Loretta Ellsworth
Lori Arnold
Lori Gardner
Lory Sutton
Louane Hann
Louis Dzierzak
Louise Meyerson
Louise Teeter
Lousene Hoppe
Lucas Rossi
Lucinda Cummings
Lydia Nomad
Lyle Larue
Lyn Cramer
Lyn Uhl
Lynda McDonnell
Lynn Abrahamsen
Lynn Casale
Lynne Zotalis


M.A.H. Hinton
M.E. May
M.S. Vang
Mackenzie Epping
Maddy Norgard
Madeleine Craig
Madeline Gardner
Madison Laird
Mae Gibson Wall
Mae Seely Sylvester
Maery Rose
Maggie and Matt Nolan
Maggie Morris-Gronlund
Malone Family
Mandy Zechmeister
Marc Burgett
Marc Scheiner
Marcia Peck
Marcia Townley
Marcia Wahl
Marcus Kessler
Marcy Woodard
Marg Walker
Margaret Catambay
Margaret D.
Margaret Hasse and David Grothe
Margaret Karsten
Margaret Manderfeld
Margaret Pfeffer
Margaret Rode
Margaret Todd Maitland
Margaret V.B. Wurtele
Marge Barrett of The Patrick and Alice Rogers Family Foundation
Margie Tomsic
Margot Galt
Margot M. Barry
Mari Wittenbreer
Maria Brekke
Maria S. Picone
Marian Hassan
Marie Loshbaugh
Marilynn Pyatigorets
Marjorie Helmer
Mark and Kristin Gallagher
Mark Ceilley
Mark Teats
Mark Uskavitch
Marlee Leebrick-Stryker
Marly Rusoff and Mihai Radulescu
Martha and Bill McLaughlin Charitable Gift Fund of Bank of America
Martha Bordwell
Martha Harris
Martha Malkasian
Martha Roberts
Martha Weitekamp
Mary Ann Miller
Mary Beth Becker-Lauth
Mary Beth Sartor Obermeyer
Mary Beth Schirber
Mary Burmaster
Mary Casanova
Mary Delorie
Mary Dunnewold and Jeff Ondich
Mary E. Larew
Mary Feeney
Mary Frances Mc Kay
Mary Halbrooks
Mary Jarvis and Mike Meyer of Fidelity Investments
Mary Jo Thompson
Mary Junge
Mary K. McCormick
Mary Kelly
Mary Lanham
Mary Mueller
Mary P. McConnell
Mary P. Williams
Mary Pattock
Mary Ringstad
Mary Riordan
Mary S.
Mary Seabloom
Mary Seifert
Mary Stucky
Mary T. Martinez
Mary Walus
Mary Woster Haug
Mary York
MaryAnn F. Moenck
Matt DuToit
Matt Ferrari
Matt Gamble
Matt Jenson
Matt Mauch
Matt Rydeen
Matthew Olson
Maureen Belz
Maureen Mischinski of the Haggerty Family Foundation
Meagh Decker
Meg Paceley
Megan Maynor
Megan Ray Durkin
Megan Smith
Meghan McManus
Meghan Pipe and John Morrissey
Melinda Ward
Melissa Adkins-Hempel
Melissa Hepokoski
Melissa Moehrl
Melissa Morse
Melissa Puglisi
Melissa Trask Davy
Melissa Wray
Meredith Brandt
Merodie Clark
Meyer Weinshel
Michael Cashin
Michael F. Bemis
Michael Farnsworth
Michael Grohs
Michael Kalinosky
Michael Kelly
Michael T.S.
Michel Krug
Michele Miller
Michelle G.
Michelle Parks
Michelle R. Williams
Michelle Utin
Michelle W.
Micki Blenkush
Mike Henderson
Mike Rollin
Mindy Mejia
Miriam Queensen
Miriam Weinstein
Mo Baldwin
Molly Beth Griffin
Molly Wick
Monica Martinez
Monica Wiant
Monique Priest
Morgen Chang
Morris David
Morris Krelitz
Ms. Karleigh Bon
Myrna C.G. Mibus
Nahid Khan
Nancy Avila
Nancy Baker
Nancy Fushan
Nancy Gaschott and Mark Ritchie
Nancy Hanks
Nancy Henrikson Sommers
Nancy Nordenson
Nancy Pellowski
Nancy Robinson
Naomi Larson
Naomi LeBeau
Natalie Brownson
Natalie M. Rosinsky
Natalie Wolf
Nate Johnson
Nathan Heard
Nathan Hillstrom
Neeraj Mehta
Nichol Higdon
Nick Johnson
Nick Templeton
Nicole Allensworth
Nicole Borg
Nicole Kronzer
Nicole Montana
Nicole Swenson
Nigar Alam
Nikki Storebo
Nikolas Nadeau
Nima Desai
Nina Picard
Nita Krevans
Nora Whelan
Norbert Hirschhorn
Noreen Oesterlein
Noriko Gamblin
Nylce Prada Myers
Ole Ryan
P. Brian Leehan
P. Leahy
P.J. Teesdale
Page and Jay Cowles
Pam Warren
Pamela Klinger-Horn
Pamela Schmid
Pamela Smith
Pat Noren Enderson
Pat Rhoades
Pat Schaffer
Pat Williamson
Patricia A. Perell of the Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation
Patricia Barrier
Patricia Bauer
Patricia Cumbie and Sean Doyle
Patricia Kester
Patricia Kirkpatrick
Patricia Schlick
Patricia Strandness
Patrick Cabello Hansel
Patrick Werle
Patti Anderson
Patti Kameya
Patty Wetterling
Paul and Patricia Curran Foundation
Paul Bachleitner
Paul Kaefer
Paul Lutter
Paul Perea
Paul Schatz
Paul Tuckner
Paul Walski
Paula and Cy DeCosse of the Minneapolis Foundation
Paula Foreman
Paula Parker
Paula Reed Nancarrow
Paula Schulte
Peggy Reinhardt
Penny Westfall
Pete and Bebe Magee
Peter and Lucia Blau
Peter Gavin
Peter Pearson
Peter W. Blair
Phyllis and Christopher Dozier of Fidelity Charitable
Piyali and Justin Felicetta
Priscilla Riggle
Rachael Manser
Rachel Johnston Lauer
Rachel Schenk
Rachel Smoka-Richardson
Rafferty Markham
Ralph Moller
Ralph Winkelmeyer
Randa Downs
Randy Brown
Randy Funk
Read Sulik
Rebecca Dosch Brown
Rebecca Ganzel Thompson and Micheal Thompson
Rebecca Gardner
Rebecca Larson
Reese Bentzinger
Rehael Fund - Roger Hale and Nor Hall of the Minneapolis Foundation
Renee Jenson
Renee LaPlume
Renee R. Reed of Fidelity Charitable
Renee Vevea
Rex Hamann
Rhonda Martinson
Richard Lentz
Richard Moe
Richard Todd
Ricki Thompson
Ricky Lee
Riley Gallo
Rim Zouabi Bolger
Robert C.
Robert Christie Fisher and Patricia Hoolihan
Robert Johns
Robert S. Schine
Robert van Vliet
Roberta Meyers
Robin Smothers
Robin Warshaw
Rodger McBride
Rodney and Diane Nelsestuen
Rondi Atkin
Rosanna Staffa
Rosanne Bane and Claudia Bruber
Rosanne Gronseth
Rose Costello
Rose Ireland
Rosemary Porto
Rosilyn McMahan
Roxanne Ezell
Ruby Hoglund
Ruby Pediangco and Matt Shumway of Schwab Charitable
Russ Stark
Ruth Edgett
Ruth Shields and Michael Klingensmith of National Philanthropic Trust
Ruth Sloven
S. Dennison
S.K. Hisega
Sagirah Shahid
Saida Bulhan
Sally Blanks
Sally Morgan
Sam Storck-Post
Samantha Minkler
Samantha Solberg
Sandra Eliason
Sandra Larson
Sandra Rudberg
Sandy Ness
Sandy Willis
Sara Dovre Wudali
Sara Martin
Sara Pimental
Sara Smalley
Sarah Brandel
Sarah Clark
Sarah Deschamps
Sarah GaleWyrick
Sarah Gorajski
Sarah Olson
Sarah Olson
Sarah Park Dahlen
Sarah Quimby
Sarah Rose
Sarah Schmalenberger
Sarah Schrantz
Sarah Springer
Sarah Stoesz and David Foster
Sarah Suzuki
Sarah Warren
Saundra Rowell
Scott and Marilyn Clark
Scott Edelstein and Ariella Tilsen
Scott Oine
Scott Schulte
Sean and Judy Popham
Sébastien Saunoi-Sandgren
Seniz Yargici
Seth Conover
Shannon E. Doyle
Shannon Fitzgerald
Sharalyn Edgeburg
Shari Albers
Sharon Castle
Sharon Chmielarz
Sharon Harris
Sharon Lapensky
Sharon Secor
Shawn and Rebecca Otto
Shawn Enderlin
Shawn M. Barry
Sheila Zwettler
Sheri Davich
Sherrie Fernandez-Williams
Sherry Kempf
Shirley Venard-Diercks
Shoshana Koch
Sieglinde Gassman
Sonya Ewan
Sook Jin Ong
Sophia Lee
Stacey Foster
Stacey Ringness
Stacy Ellman
Stacy Garrels
Stacy Nathan
Stanley Kusunoki and Claudia Daly
Stanley Trollip
Stanton Wood
Star Wuerdemann
Steph Jacobs
Stephani Maari Booker
Stephanie Daily
Stephanie DeFrance Schmidt
Stephanie Evans
Stephanie Westhoff
Stephen Ripple
Stephen W. Bragg
Steve and Tamrah Schaller O'Neil
Steve Campbell
Steve Fox
Steve McPherson
Steven C. Dondlinger
Steven Ehlscheid
Steven J. Sweeney
Steven Lang
Struan R.
Sue Crolick of Fidelity Charitable
Sue Hall
Sue Kohls Shetka
Sun Yung Shin
Susan Bishop
Susan Foley
Susan Follett
Susan Kerndt
Susan Latta
Susan Lorenz
Susan Marie Swanson
Susan Miles
Susan Moore
Susan Narayan
Susan Pastika
Susan Richardson
Susan Rossi
Susan Stuart
Susan Tarm
Susan Thomas-McGregor
Susan Truax
Susan Weinberg
Susan Wolter Nettell
Susie Reynolds
Suzan Grovender
Sven Wehrwein and Mary Ann Dorsher
Syd Walter
T. Marie Bertineau
T.L. Stoltz
Tally Wright
Tania Wahl
Tankenoff Families Foundation
Tara Flaherty Guy
Tariq Samad
Tasslyn Magnusson
Tatiana Ormaza
Ted Bowman
Ted Ritter
Teddy Gesell
Teresa Hasbrook
Teri Gillette
Teri Gunderson
Terri Alexander
Terri Kaiser
Terry Horstman
The Broeker Family
The E. E. Nelson Family
The Miller Charitable Gift Fund of Fidelity Charitable
The Rannow Family
The Robert B. Rogers Charitable Account of Schwab Charitable
The Seabergs
Theresa Michels
Therese Stanton
Thien-Bao Phi - Humor-Writing Conference and Community 
Thomas Huberty
Thomas Potter
Tia Weinand
Tiffany Dreher
Tim Rice
Timothy O'Connor
Timothy Toyen
Tina Gross
Todd Grant
Todd Melby
Todd Sample
Tom Beck
Tom Glaser
Tom Mahoney
Tom Schierholz
Toni M. Warner
Tony Wentersdorf
Tracey Deutsch
Tracie Nichols
Tracy Youngblom
Tricia Wallace
Trisha and Stephen Shaskan
Tristan F.
Tunie Munson-Benson
Twin Cities Innovation Alliance
Tyler Gerst
Tyler Lifke
Tyra Payer
Urve Daigle
V. Strommen
Valerie Blomberg
Valerie G. Ohanian Family Fund of Raymond James Charitable
Valerie Gordon
Vanessa Ramos
Vicki Young
Vicky Swedenburg
Victoria Kohl
Victoria Tirrel
Vijay Pothapragada
Vinny Demme
Virginia Hickey
Vivian Johnson and Mike Rivard
Vivian Martin
W.T. Fernow
Walter McCarthy and Clara Ueland of the Greystone Foundation
Welcome Jerde and Dan Berg
Wendy Kellogg
Wendy Lane
Will Weisert
William and Ann Lanoue
William Burleson
William Harvey
William J. Anderson
William Kraemer
William Nemmers
William Nour
Yingling Fan
Yvonne Liu
Yvonne Moore
Yvonne Pearson
Zoe Bird
Zoe Marin

Restricted Gifts

Arleta Little
Brooke Nelson
Caroline Bassett
Carolyn Holbrook
Cherie Peterson and James Miller
David and Julie Jones of Fidelity Charitable
Eugene Ollila
Graham Deming
Holly Lewis
James Struve
Jerome and Hope McAllister
Joan Kuzma Costello
Jon Austin
Karen Eichman
Laura Grow
Loren Taylor
Louane Hann
Margaret Wurtele
Melinda Ward
Noreen Oesterlein
Rachel Matsumoto
Sandy Heidemann
Sarah Soucek
Susan Delattre
Tim Grosshuesch
Trisha Speed Shaskan and Stephen Shaskan
Vera Appleyard
Victoria Kohl

In Honor or Memory of

Amelia Colwell Reedy in honor of Sarah Olson
Benjamin and Laura Cooper in memory of Brigitte Frase
Britt Waterman in memory of Stephanie Perry
Catherine Watson in memory Susan Welch
David Richards and Gail Manning in memory of Brigitte Frase
Hallie Anderson in honor of Carlene, who left the corporate world to pursue her dream of writing
Hawona Sullivan Janzen in memory of Nicholas Janzen
Janet Lunder Hanafin in memory of Dan Sullivan
Leah Welch and family in memory of Susan R. Welch
Mark Luther in memory of Marilyn Robinson
Martin and Barbara Costello in memory of Brigitte Frase
Meena Natarajan and Dipankar Mukherjee in memory of A. Natarajan
Rachel Beecroft in memory of Michael Amram and his ongoing contribution to the literary world
Roberta Favis in honor of Brigitte Frase
Sandy Olson in memory of Mary Jean Port
Susan Connor in honor of Kaitlyn and AnnaMalia