Annual Report

Living Into Our Vision

September 1, 2023–August 31, 2024

Dear Loft Community,

Fifty years ago, a group of radical poets came together with a vision to create a space where writers could connect, learn, and grow. That seed took root, and over the past five decades, the Loft has blossomed into one of the nation’s most vibrant literary centers. As we reflect on this milestone anniversary, we celebrate not only where we’ve been but where we are going—continuing to cultivate a thriving literary ecosystem that champions antiracism, equity, craft, and authentic engagement in community.

In this landmark year, we honored our past and set the stage for the future. We gathered as a community for our 50th anniversary celebration with Roxane Gay, published a commemorative chapbook featuring dozens of contributors with significant lived experiences with the Loft, inaugurated a new city poet laureate, launched a new fundraising campaign, and sharpened our vision for the years ahead. With every workshop, mentorship, and reading, we reaffirmed our commitment to supporting readers and writers at every stage of their journey.

Our impact continues to grow. In the last year alone, the Loft paid out $444,669 in artist compensation and provided $149,000 in artist support through our awards programs. Additionally, to mitigate financial barriers to our programs and events, the Loft provided the equivalent of $91,831 in discounted registrations and admissions. More than 3,000 students from 48 states and four countries participated in our classes and programs, finding inspiration, community, and confidence in their creative pursuits. As Heid E. Erdrich, Loft Year-Long Writing Project Teaching Artist and Inaugural Minneapolis Poet Laureate shared: 

"I have worked with dozens and dozens of institutions. None have ever made me feel as supported or accepting of my freedom of speech as the Loft…It remains, if not my church, my sanctuary."  

Or as one recent Loft student, Dara T., wrote:

“My class just wrapped up and I just had to tell you all what a gift it was! [My teaching artist] is an absolute treasure, and her prompts led me (and I could tell, several others) to some incredible breakthroughs…I take a lot of writing classes and this one was phenomenal." 

Stories like Heid’s and Dara’s fuel our work. They remind us that the Loft is more than an organization—it is a home for readers and writers, a catalyst for creativity, and a force for growth, community, change, and resistance. As Padráig Ó Tuama reminded us, “It is in the shelter (and shadow) of each other that the people live.” As we live through these challenging times, we remain steadfast in our mission to uplift voices; remove barriers for BIPOC, marginalized and immigrant writers and communities; and create space for the poems and stories that heal and affirm our collective humanity.

To all who have been part of the Loft’s journey, past and present—our team, board members, teaching artists, fellows, students, donors, partners, and the entire literary community—THANK YOU! Your passion and support make everything we do possible. As we step into our next 50 years, we do so with deep gratitude, determination, and a steadfast belief in people exercising their power with words.

In Sweetness and Solidarity,

Arleta Little
Executive & Artistic Director

Melinda Ward
Board Chair

Loft Mission

The Loft advances the power of writers and readers to craft and share stories, to create and celebrate connections, and to build just, life-sustaining communities. 

Financials and Demographics
Matching Gifts

Thomson Reuters

Xcel Energy Foundation


Ameriprise Financial

General Mills Foundation

United Health Group

Abbott Laboratories


Sensata Technologies

Illinois Tool Works

US Bank Foundation

Thank you, friends of the Loft.

Your contributions make it possible for us to elevate craft and community.

Annual Fund

A.M. Campbell

Aaron D.

Aberdeen Rodriguez

Adriana Estill

Adriana Gordillo

Adrianna Pulver

Aimee Vue

Akshay R. Rao

Alan Carpenter

Alan W. Porter

Albert Choy

Alena Wenker

Alex T.

Alfred Cady

Alisha Olsen

Alison Bergblom Johnson

Alison McGhee

Alison Morse

Alison Thomas

Allison Amy Wedell

Allison Vincent

Allyson Cygan

Alyssa Sommer Larson

Amanda Daus

Amanda Shopa

Amarachi Utah-Adjibola

Amber D. Stoner

Amber Guetebier

Amelia Lynch

Amie Penny Sayler

Amit Bhati

Amy Coletta-Harrison

Amy Dillon Holter

Amy H. Anderson

Amy Humfleet

Amy Mahnke

Amy Padden

Amy W.

Amy Wood

Anadelia Rodriguez

Andrea E. Johnson

Andrea Sampson Townsend

Andrew Abruzzese

Andrew Weber

Andy Block

Andy Dunn

Angelina Nguyen

Angie Donnay

Angie Fruncillo

Angie Timmons

Anita L. Bradshaw, Ph.D.

Ann and Steve Sundberg of Fidelity Charitable

Ann Curoe

Ann E. Boekhoff

Ann Elliott

Ann L. Fredrickson

Ann Long

Ann Lowry

Ann Page

Ann Regan

Ann Sargent

Ann Viitala

Anna Frykman

Annamaria McConville

Anne Campbell

Anne Carayon

Anne Franz

Anne Jackson

Anne Marie Wirth Cauchon

Anne Mohrbacher

Anne Piper

Annette DesLauriers

Annette Schiebout

Annette Spencer

Annie M. Cull

Anonymous (217)

Anthony W. Eichenlaub

Anupma Sharma

Steven G. Hoffmeyer, Arbitrator/Author 

Areti Georgopoulos

Ariane Laxo

Arianna Feldman

Artie Kerr

Ash M.

Ashley Emerson

Audrey Colasanti

Bao Phi

Barb Gonzalez

Barb Hanson

Barb Lindgren

Barb Wildes

Barbara Bach

Barbara C. Crosby

Barbara Forster and Larry Hendrickson

Barbara Gittes

Barbara Lake

Barbara Radtke

Barbara Schmitt

Barbara Teed

Barbara Wornson

Barry Lehman

Beatrice Blanc

Ben Kwan

Ben Underwood

Beryl Singleton Bissell

Beth Cleary

Beth Killion

Beth MacDonald

Beth Mayer

Beth Schoeppler and Todd Pierson

Beth Silverwater and Norman Greenberg of Fidelity Charitable

Beth Wright

Bethany Kurbis

Betsy McNerney

Bettiana L.

Betty Benson

Betty Hartnett

Beverly Larson

Beverly SmithKeiling

Bill Crozier

Bill Quist

Bill Tuomala

Bill Voedisch and Laurie Carlson

Billie Lim

Black Sheep Pizza

Blair Chisholm

Blanche Hawkins

Bob L.

Bohmann/Riehle Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

Bonnie Christensen

Bonnie Oldre

Bonnie Wilkins Overcott

Brad and Marcia Ballinger Fund of Raymond James Charitable

Brad Brown

Brad Engdahl

Brandon Lewis

Brandy C.

Brendan Fortune

Brenna Proczko

Brian Murray and Shelly Gill Murray of Schwab Charitable

Brian Newhouse

Brianna Werket

Bronson Lemer

Brooke Vikla

Bruce Johansen of Fidelity Charitable

Bruce Olmscheid

Cait K.

Caitlin Livingston

Cal Simmons

Calvin and Christine Litsey of Schwab Charitable

Cam Kalra

Camille Sasik

Candy Vittorini

Cara Beames

Cara Hawkinson

Carissa Tobin and Alex Haley

Carl Pheil

Carla Dahl

Carla Hagen and LeRoy Sorenson

Carla McGrath

Carla-Elaine Johnson

Carlos Mejía Suárez

Carma Graber

Carol Brookins

Carol Hazard

Carol Mahnke

Carol Malkinson of Fidelity Charitable

Carol Masters

Carola Jones

Carole R. Wiederhorn

Carolina Morales

Carolyn H.

Carolyn Holbrook

Carolyn Roby

Carrie Bassett

Casey Patrick

Cat P.

Cate Desens

Catelyn Czywczynski

Catherine Grotenhuis

Catherine Ma

Catherine Orkin Oskow

Catherine Reid Day

Catherine Urdahl

Cathi H.

Celeste Koppe

Charlene Roise

Charles King

Charles Leer

Chelle Gonzo

Cheryl Bailey

Cheryl J. Anthony

Cheryl Lewis

Chris Bremer

Chris Iverson

Chris Johnson

Chris Jones and Dannah Baynton

Chris McNeill

Christine Rittmann

Christine Tran

Christopher Vaughan

Cinda Yager

Cindy Morgan

Claire E. Simonson

Claire Isenthal

Claire Miller

Clare Skalle

Clareyse Nelson

Claude Riedel

Claudette M. Webster

Claudia Daly (longtime broadcaster) and Stan Kusonoki (poet)

Clover Earl

Cole W. Williams

Colin Hamilton

Colleen Bell

Colleen Muske

Colnese M. Hendon

Craig Noles

Curt Mc

Cy and Paula DeCosse of the Minneapolis Foundation

Cyndy Hubbard

Cynthia Abrams

Cynthia Gehrig

Cynthia Kraack

Cynthia Lehew-Nehrbass

Cynthia Wold

D. E. Green

Dale Gregory Anderson

Dan Satorius

Dan Vogel

Dana Mattice

Daniel and Chris Mahai Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation

Daniel I. Johnson

Daniel McCabe

Daphne Young

Dave Barrett

David and Diane Lilly of the Peravid Foundation

David Bendickson

David Earl Whitaker

David Evans

David Hodgson

David Kilpatrick and Julie Schultz

David Mura

David W. Hunter of Morgan Stanley

Dawn Frederick

Dawn Miller

Deanna Johnson

Deb Fowler and John Schenk

Debbie Fuehrer

Debby Edlund

Deborah Keenan and Stephen Seidel

Deborah Ross

Debra Johnson

Debra Palmquist

Debra Stone

Denise Felder

Denise L.

Denise White

Derek Liebertz

Derek Rucker

Derik Fettig

dian dewi

Diane Bell

Diane Craig

Diane Mountford

Dipankar Mukherjee and Meena Natarajan

Don Farrell

Don L. Johnson

Donald Brunnquell and Sally Scoggin of Schwab Charitable

Donald J. Richardson

Donna Isaac

Donna Salli

Dorothy Nins

Dorothy Schlesselman

Dr. Kelsey Nathel McDonald and Dr. William Charles McDonald of Vanguard Charitable

Dr. Margaret A. O'Connor M.D. of the Minneapolis Foundation

Drew Miller

Drew Thomes 

E. Alan Fleischauer

Eboni Stern

Ed Bok Lee

Edward McPherson

Edward Sheehy

Elaine Ambrose

Elaine Boyer

Elaine Eschenbacher

Eli Isbell, Walker Isbell, Elizabeth Chojnacki, and Karl Chojnacki

Elijah Mendoza

Elisabeth Lee

Elissa Mautner

Elizabeth Carls

Elizabeth Fletcher

Elizabeth Grace

Elizabeth Johnson and Bob McGarry

Elizabeth Krusen

Elizabeth Nordlie

Elizabeth Schott

Elizabeth Wehrwein

Ellen Hastings

Ellen Hoerle

Ellen Lager

Ellena Schoop

Ellie Roscher

Elmer Lovrien

Em Rowene

Em Woodward

E.M.A. Chambers

Emily Benz

Emily Kittleson

Emily Klump

Emily Maltz

Emily P.G. Erickson

Emily Peck

Emma Bohmann

Emma Jost


Eric Caugh

Eric Hucke

Erica Nelson

Erica Yoon-M

Erick Reinikka

Erin Bryan

Erin Drew

Erin Halden

Erin Lunde

Erin Smith

Erin T. Sim

Erin Tressler

Errol Rubenstein

Eugene Ollila

Eva Roethler

Eva Rogers

Eve A. Raimon

Evelyn Klein

Faith MacGregor

Faith Sullivan

Fakhra Gulzar

Felice Summers

Forrest Peterson

Fox Beckman

Frances James

Frances Wetherall

franciszka voeltz

Frank and Frances Wilkinson Foundation

Frankie Winegardner

Gail and Stuart Hanson

Gail Stone

Gary Gilson

Gary Gimmestad

Gary Melom

Gayle Geber

Geoff and Holli Johnson

George and Mary Bernhardt

Georgia Greeley

Gil Maguire

gil olson

Gillian Nevers

Gina Musto

Glenna Case

Grace Anderson

Grace K. Mayer

Graham Sutherland

Greg Roers, Author of Crossroads Series

Gregg Carlsen

Gregory Luce

Gregory Ripley

Gretchen Anthony

Gretchen Hovan


H. Francis Gallivan IV

H. Stomp

Hana Worku

Hannah Rongitsch

Harini Sekar Usha

Harleigh Gabrielson

Harris Cameron

Hawona Sullivan Janzen in Memory of Nicholas Janzen

Heather Candels

Heather E. Goodman

Heather Klindworth

Heather Koshiol

Heather Meyer

Heather Zehring

Heid E. Erdrich

Heidi Unglaub

Helen M. Pohlig

Hendrick Schlude


Holly Bayer

Huck Brock

Hui Brickner

Ingrid Sampo

Ira Frank

Irna Landrum

Isela Xitlali Gómez

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

J. Michael Neal

J.J. McGawn

J.K. Hall

J.A. Sauvageau

Jacey Choy

Jack El-Hai

Jack Ward

Jackie Douda

Jaclynn Herron

Jacqueline Williams

Jacquelyn Kelley

Jade Lange

Jade Lomeli-Johnson

Jaime Satko

Jaimie Morimoto

Jake Aranyos

James Allen

James Joseph Snyder

James W. Canaday

Jamey Olsen

Jamie C.

Jamie Millard

Jamie Peacock

Jan Breyer of the Minneapolis Foundation

Jan D. Payne

Jan DeNoble

Jane Cerhan

Jane Hoffmann

Jane Hollis

Jane Simon

Janelle Reich

Janet Avery

Janet Nelson

Janette Davis

Janice and Dennis Strootman

Janice Post-White

Janine Hradsky and Cathy Nelson

Jay and Page Cowles

Jay Mastrud

Jean Casey

Jean Freeman

Jean Lum

Jean Spielman Housh

Jeanie Thomas

Jeanne Cooney

Jeanne Cowan

Jeanne Landkamer

Jeannie Goodspeed

Jeff Holman

Jeffrey Swinton

Jen Fortner

Jenn Nienaber

Jenn Pike

Jenna Hedlund

Jenna Klein-Brown

Jennie Goloboy and Stephen Sigmond

Jennifer A. Jones

Jennifer Quinlan

Jennifer Randall

Jennifer Rosenstiel

Jennifer Shikes Haines

Jennifer Wendt

Jenny Niemela

Jerome and Hope McAllister Trust

Jerry Grant

Jerry Krause

Jess Nelson

Jess S.

Jessica Anderson

Jessica Intermill

Jessica Peterka

Jessica Wicks

Jessica Wiley and Bob Heili

Jessica Zimmerman

Jessie Chandler

Jill C. Wheeler

Jill Grunewald and Charlie Mack

Jim Beattie

Jim Chase

Jingyi Li

J.J. Velie

Joan Amato Kisner

Joan Kuzma Costello

Joan Laska

Joan Thompson

Jocelyn Hale and Glenn Miller of the Minneapolis Foundation

Jodi Anderson-Wolhaupter

Jody Thorsett

Joe Palmitessa

Joe Zeigler

Johan Wyckoff

John and Diana Swanson of Fidelity Charitable

John and Margy Ligon

John Armstrong

John Bryson

John Grafstrom

John Kess

John Rogers

Jon Austin

Jorie and Keith Miller

Joseph and Elisa Wright

Joseph Tachovsky

Joshua Moehling

Joy Baker

Joyce Simon

Judith Mattison

Judy Kerr

Judy Moreira

Julia A Van Etten

Julia Tindell

Julie and David Jones of Fidelity Charitable

Julie and Maury Landsman

Julie Brokaw

Julie Champ

Julie Cohen

Julie L.

Julie Lesser

Julie Muehlberg

Justin K.

Justin Passaro

K. Daphne McDonald

K. Dennis

K. Nordness

Kai Michael

Kaitlin Ensor

Kaitlin Randolph

Kaitlyn Bohlin

Kalena Miller

Karen Cadigan

Karen Hering and David Hammond

Karen J. Larson

Karen jensen

Karen Karason

Karen Miller, Ph.D.

Karen Sweeney

Karen Zwolenski

Kari L.

Kari Shideman

Kari Vacura

Karima Vargas Bushnell

Karl Reichert

Karlyn Coleman

Kat Kluegel

Kate Fletemeyer

Kate Heartfield

Kate Hopper

Kate Lucas

Kate Nyquist

Kate Smith

Kate St. Vincent Vogl

Katherine Barton of Schwab Charitable

Katherine Geiersbach

Katherine Hanson

Kathleen Campbell

Kathleen Dupre

Kathleen Fluegel, Ph.D.

Kathleen M. Keller

Kathleen T. Leuschen

Kathryn Erion

Kathryn Ganfield

Kathryn Hagen

Kathryn Nettleman

Kathy Clock

Kathy Jaggi

Kathy M. Haaga

Kathy Miller

Kathy Schweikart

Kathy Westbrook

Katie Collins

Katie Meline

Katrina Jurrens

Katy Perry and Andy Horstman

Kayla Knoll

Kayla Kuo

Kei J. Constantinov, MFA

Kelley Rae Jewett

Kelly Deweese

Kelly O'Sullivan

Kelly Westhoff

Kelsey Waits

Kent and Mandy Adams

Keri Schneider

Kevin Quinn

Khursheed Parakh

Kim Kane

Kim Lody

Kim Sabow

Kim Thorn

Kimberlee Penn Erazo

kimberly allen

Kimberly Lakenen

Kirstie Kimball

Kolina Cicero

Krisanne Dattir

Kristen Spargo

Kristi Hemmer

Kristi Johnson

Kristin Boldon

Kristin Idaszak

Kristine Kvamme

Kristine Olson

Kristine Spanier

Kristine Vlaich

Kurt Johnson

Kyah LaBancz

Kyle Miklik

L.A. Williams

L.C. Breitag

L. Drommerhausen

Lana Barkawi

Lane Patten

Lani Jordan

Larry Schug

Laska Nygaard

Laura Coleman

Laura Ehramjian

Laura Iandola

Laura Walker

Lauren Baker and Eric Black

Lauren Stringer

Laurie A. Derechin

Laurie Greeno

Laurie Kotzen Miller

LaWayne Leno

Lawrence Farrar

Lawrence Krantz and Diane Pittman

Leah Christianson

Leah Galle

Leatrice Sherer

Lee Lewis

Lena Cicha

Leo Justesen and family

Leslie Matton-Flynn

Leslie Ritchie

Lewis Mundt

Lia Sherman

LIKE A MIGHTY RIVER FUND of Schwab Charitable

Linda and Spencer Silver

Linda Baynton

Linda Campbell and Fred Quirsfeld

Linda E. Holmes

Linda Kantner

Linda Landwehr

Linda LeClair

Linda Mainquist

Linda Morrison

Linda Myers Shelton and Larry Shelton

Linda Varvel

Lindagail and Randy Roy

Lindsay Lelivelt

Lindsey Anderson

Lindsey Steffes

Linnea Tani

Linus Chan

Lisa Ann Pierce

Lisa Bergin

Lisa Bullard

Lisa Erbes

Lisa Gittens

Lisa Hario

Lisa Higgs and Tobias Kohler

Lisa M. Bolt Simons

Lisa McLean and Michael Dennis Browne

Lisa Meyers McClintick

Lisa Middag

Lisa Ortmann

Lisa Pogoff

Lisa Smith

Lise Schmidt

Lita Fike

Liz Buckingham of Fidelity Charitable

Liz Minette

Lizabeth Parendo

Lizzie McNamara

Lore Roethke

Loren Taylor

Lori Gardner

Lory Sutton

Louane E. Hann

Louis Dzierzak

Louise Meyerson

Louise Teeter

Lousene Hoppe

Lucia P. May

Lucinda Cummings

Lucinda Pepper

Lydia Lucca

Lyle Larue

Lynda McDonnell

Lynn Casale

Lynn Fischer

Lynn Slifer


M. Stone Mayer

M.A.H. Hinton


Mackenzie Epping

Madeleine Craig

Madison Laird

Mae Gibson Wall

Mae Seely Sylvester

Maggie Morris-Gronlund

Marc Burgett

Marcia Peck

Marcia Townley

Marcia Wahl

Marcy Woodard

Marg Walker

Margaret Catambay

Margaret D.

Margaret Hasse and David Grothe

Margaret Karsten

Margaret M.

Margaret Pfeffer

Margaret Rode

Margaret Todd Maitland

Margaret V.B. Wurtele

Marge Barrett of The Patrick and Alice Rogers Family Foundation

Margot M. Barry

Mari Wittenbreer

Maria Brekke and Nick Penning

Maria S. Picone

Marian Hassan

Marie Fregien

Marie Loshbaugh

Marj and Don Helmer

Mark Ceilley

Mark Teats

Mark Uskavitch

Mark William Norby

Marlee Leebrick-Stryker

Marly Rusoff of Fidelity

Martha and Bill McLaughlin of Bank of America Charitable Fund

Martha Lucia Rodriguez

Martha Malkasian

Martha Roberts

Mary Alice Dixon

Mary Alterman

Mary Ann Miller

Mary Beth Becker-Lauth

Mary Beth Sartor Obermeyer

Mary Beth Schirber

Mary Beth Schleif

Mary Britton

Mary Burmaster

Mary C. Voight

Mary Carroll Moore

Mary Delorié

Mary Dunnewold and Jeff Ondich

Mary E. Larew

Mary Feeney

Mary Jo Thompson

Mary K. McCormick

Mary Kelly

Mary Lanham

Mary McKay

Mary Mueller

Mary Pattock

Mary Ringstad

Mary Riordan

Mary Rose Knutson

Mary T. Martinez

Mary Walerak

Mary Walus

Mary York

MaryAnn F. Moenck

Marybeth Thorsgaard

Matt Cowan and Jake Manitz

Matt DuToit

Matt Ferrari

Matt Gamble

Matt Mauch

Matt Rydeen

Maureen Aitken

Maureen Mischinski of the Haggerty Family Foundation

Maureen Ramirez

Meagh Decker

Meg Cowden

Megan Maynor

Megan Smith

Meghan McManus

Meghan Pipe and John Morrissey

Melanie Byrd

Melanie Sanco-Gooch

Mélina Mangal

Melinda Ward

Melissa Adkins-Hempel

Melissa Hepokoski

Melissa Wray

Meredith Brandt

Merodie Clark

Meyer Weinshel

Mia Driftless

Michael Cashin

Michael F. Bemis

Michael Farnsworth

Michael Grohs

Michael Kalinosky

Michael Kelly

Michael Klingensmith and Ruth Shields of National Philanthropic Trust

Michael T. Sullivan

Michaela Johnson

Michel Steven Krug

Michelle Anderson

Michelle G.

Michelle Ko

Michelle Parks

Mike and Jeanne Kobs

Mike F. Elliot

Mike Henderson

Millie Frankel

Mina Ozturk

Mindy Mejia

Mindy S.

Miranda Enzor

Miriam Weinstein

Molly Beth Griffin

Molly Schweinfurter

Molly Wick

Monica Martinez

Monique Priest

Morgan Grayce Willow

Morgen Chang

Myrna CG Mibus

Myrtle T.


Nancy Baker

Nancy Dadak

Nancy Gaschott

Nancy Hanks

Nancy Lemke

Nancy Nordenson

Nancy Pellowski

Nancy Robinson

Naomi LeBeau

Naomi Stewart

Natalie Brownson

Natalie Wolf

Natalie Wood

Nate Johnson

Nathan Hillstrom

Neeraj Mehta

Nic F.

Nichol Higdon

Nick Templeton

Nicole Kronzer

Nicole Montana

Nigar Alam

Nikkole DeMars

Nita Krevans

Nodric Tankins

Nora Whelan

Norbert Hirschhorn

Noreen Oesterlein

Noriko Gamblin

Norma Bourland

Npaus Baim Her

Nylce Prada Myers

Ole Ryan

P. Leahy

P. Schmid

Paige Riehl

Pam Warren

Pamela Klinger-Horn

Pamm Smith

Pat Noren Enderson

Pat Rhoades

Pat Schaffer

Pat Williamson

Patricia Barrier

Patricia Bauer

Patricia Bohart

Patricia Kester

Patricia Kirkpatrick

Patricia Schlick

Patricia Weaver Francisco

Patrick and Kerin O'Connor

Patrick Cabello Hansel

Patrick Coleman

Patrick Werle

Patti Anderson

Patti Frazee

Patti Kameya

Patty Wetterling

Paul and Patricia Curran Foundation

Paul Bachleitner

Paul Hasse

Paul Kaefer

Paul Perea

Paul Schatz

Paul Tuckner

Paul Walski

Paula Craigo

Paula Foreman

Paula Moyer

Paula Reed Nancarrow

Paula Schulte

Peggy R.

Penny Westfall

Pete and Bebe Magee

Peter Brown

Peter Gavin

Peter Pearson

Peter W. Blair

Phyllis and Christopher Dozier of Fidelity Charitable

Piyali and Justin Felicetta

Rachael Manser

Rachel Bialon-Crane

Rachel Foster

Rachel Johnston Lauer

Rachel Schenk

Rachel Smoka-Richardson

Rafferty Markham

Ralph Winkelmeyer

Randy Brown

Rebecca Dosch Brown

Rebecca Ganzel Thompson

Rebecca Larson

Reese Bentzinger

Renee Jenson

Renee LaPlume

Rhonda Martinson

Richard Lentz

Richard Moe

Richard Todd and Patricia Haswell

Riley Gallo

Robert and Kim Colbert

Robert C.

Robert Johns

Robert van Vliet

Roberta Meyers

Robin Smothers

Rod and Diane Nelsestuen

Rodger McBride

Roger Hale and Nor Hall of the Minneapolis Foundation

Rolly Kent

Rosanne Bane and Claudia Bruber

Rosanne Gronseth

Rose Costello

Roseanne Pereira

Rosemary Porto

Rosilyn McMahan

Rosy Simas

Roxanne Ezell

Roxanne Friesen

Ruby Pediangco and Matt Shumway of Schwab Charitable

Russ Stark

Ruth Sloven

S. Dennison

Sage Stanley and Maria Dahlen

Sagirah Shahid

Sally Morgan

Sam Cavert

Sam Storck-Post

Samantha Solberg

Sandra Eliason

Sandra Hisakuni

Sandra Willis

Sandy Ness

Sara Boots

Sara Dovre Wudali

Sara Martin

Sarah Ann

Sarah Brandel

Sarah Brennecke

Sarah Clark

Sarah Currier

Sarah Deschamps

Sarah GaleWyrick

Sarah Novak

Sarah Olson

Sarah Quimby

Sarah Schmalenberger

Sarah Schrantz

Sarah Warren

Saundra Rowell

Scott and Marilyn Clark

Scott Edelstein and Ariella Tilsen

Scott Oine

Scott Schulte

Sean and Judy Popham

Seniz Yargici

Seth Conover

Shanaya Dungey

Shannon E Doyle

Sharalyn Edgeburg

Shari Albers

Sharon Chur Lapensky

Sharon Harris

Shawn and Rebecca Otto

Shawn Boyne

Shawn Enderlin

Shawn M. Barry

Shawn O. Reilly

Sheri Davich

Sherrie Fernandez-Williams

Sherry P. Johnson

Shuyen Wang

SK Hisega

Sonja Kruse

Sonja Mertz

Sonja Sharp

Sonya E.

Sook Jin Ong

Stacey Foster

Stacey Ringness

Stacy Nathan

Stacy Z. Lienemann

Stanley Trollip

Stanton Wood

Stefanie Frost

Steph Jacobs

Stephanie Evans

Stephanie Westhoff

Stephen and Debbie Wilbers

Stephen Marien

Steve Campbell

Steve Fox

Steven Ehlscheid

Steven Lang

Sue Crolick of Fidelity Charitable

Sun Yung Shin

Susan R.

Susan Connor in honor of Kaitlyn and AnnaMalia

Susan Hunter Schultz

Susan Langston

Susan Latta

Susan Lorenz

Susan Marie Swanson

Susan Miles

Susan Moore

Susan Narayan

Susan Pastika

Susan Rossi

Susan Steger Welsh

Susan Stuart

Susan Thomas-McGregor

Susan Truax

Susan Weinberg

Susan Wolter Nettell

Susie Reynolds

Sven Wehrwein and Mary Ann Dorsher

T.L. Stoltz

Tammy Darrah Wenberg

Tania Wahl

Tankenoff Families Foundation

Tara Flaherty Guy

Tariq Samad

Tasslyn Magnusson

Ted Bowman

Teresa Hasbrook

Teresa Zaffiro-Day

Teri Gillette

Teri Gunderson

Terri Alexander

Terri Michels

Terry Horstman

The Broeker Family

The E.E. Nelson Family

The Everts

The Joel Spoonheim and Lani Willis Fund of Thrivent

The Lenfestey Family Foundation

The Rannow Family

The Robert B. Rogers Charitable Account of Schwab Charitable

The Seabergs

Therese Stanton

Thomas Huberty

Tia Weinand

Tiffany D.

Tim Grosshuesch

Tim OConnor

Tim Rice

Tim Rumsey

Timothy Kane

Timothy Toyen

Tina Gross

Todd Grant

Todd Melby

Todd Sample

Tom Beck

Tom Duffield

Tom Glaser

Tom Mahoney

Tom Schierholz

Tony Wentersdorf

Tracy Youngblom

Tricia Wallace

Trisha and Stephen Shaskan

Trisha Moquino

Twin Cities Innovation Alliance

Ty Chapman

Tyler Lifke

Union Therapy

Urve Daigle

V. Strommen

Valerie G. Ohanian Family Fund of Raymond James Charitable

Vanessa Tennyson

Vee Signorelli

Vera A.


Vicki Young

Vickie Benson

Vicky Swedenburg

Victoria Kohl

Victoria Tirrel

Vijay Pothapragada and Satya Tata

Vince and Paula Granquist Fund of Schwab Charitable

Vivian Johnson and Mike Rivard

Walter McCarthy and Clara Ueland of the Greystone Foundation

Warren Woessner

Welcome Jerde and Dan Berg

Wendy Lane

Will Weisert

William and Ann Lanoue

William Burleson

William J. Anderson

William Nemmers

W.T. Fernow

Yara Omer

Yingling Fan

Yumi Wilson

Yvonne Pearson

Zoe Bird

Zoe Marin

Restricted Gifts

Trisha Speed Shaskan and Stephen Shaskan
Caroline Bassett
Jerome and Hope McAllister

In Honor or Memory of

Bonita Hechtman in memory of James Dochniak
Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation in honor of Arleta Little
Mary Lou and Patrick Irvine in memory of Lonnie Bell
Sue and Bill Payne and Family in memory of Lonnie Bell
Anonymous in memory of Lonnie Bell
Barbara K. Strandell and Kathi Koehn in honor of Faith Sullivan
Sandy Bloom in honor of Faith Sullivan
Shelly Regan in memory of Lonnie Bell
Abdelhak and Helen Barbouche in memory of Lonnie Bell
Timothy, a dear friend, in memory of Ibby
Aunt Shelley and Uncle Jeff in memory of Lonnie Bell
Lindsey McDivitt in honor of Candis Fancher
Hannah Ashley in honor of Francis Ashley-Carner
Jan Rabbers in honor of Faith and Dan Sullivan
Colleen Breen in honor of Faith Sullivan
Harold Richardson in honor of Beth Julia Mayer
Ellie Garrett in memory of Lonnie Bell
Harold Richardson in memory of Julia Smiley Richardson
Luke and Robyn Anderson in memory of Lonnie Bell
Charles Eddleston in memory of Lonnie Bell
Ken and Maggie Corens in memory of Lonnie Bell
Ruth Lindh in memory of Lonnie Bell
Bruce and Lois Berry in memory of Lonnie Bell
Edward and Janice Kodet in memory of Lonnie Bell
Julie and Scott Schanzenbach Canham in memory of Bruce S. Norman
Paula Goodmanson in memory of Lonnie Bell
Linda Brooks in memory of Don Brunnquell
Sally Scoggin in memory of Don Brunnquell


50th Anniversary Gifts

Aisha Nins
Amber and Chelsy Swanson
Andrea Stuckey
Anne Carayon
Anonymous (4)
Arleta Little
Barbara Penn
Beth Schoeppler and Todd Pierson
Brad and Marcia Ballinger of Raymond James Charitable
Brenda Daly
Brenda J. Bell
Brenda Norwood
Carol Houston
Carolyn Holbrook
Cheryline Elliot
Chris LaVictoire Mahai and Dan Mahai
Cindy Tipton
Cynthia Gehrig
David Kilpatrick and Julie Schultz
Deanna Wiener
Debra Stone
Diana Pierce
Doug Clow
Elaine Gillespie
Ellena Schoop
Gail Bakkom
George Anthony
Ginger Plumbo
Glenn Haley
Ja'Ton Walker
Jane Pennington
Janet Avery
Jean Ann Durades
Jeanne Farrar
Jen Racho
Jennifer Finch
Jennifer Keating
Jim Moore and JoAnn Verburg of the Minneapolis Foundation
Joan Cochran and Matthew Crellin
Jocelyn Hale and Glenn Miller of the Minneapolis Foundation
Jon Austin
Joseph Mbele
Joseph McCullough
Joy Tutela
Julie Muehlberg
Kari Harrison
Karlyn Coleman
Kate St. Vincent Vogl
Katherine Pollock
Kathryn Kysar
Kris Patrow
Lani Kawamura
Laura Crosby
Leilani Dunbier
Lenfestey Family Foundation
Lisa Boe
Lisa Moore
Lyn Parker and Ann Bitter
Lynn Melling
Marcia Ballinger
Margaret O'Connor and Linda Ridlehuber
Margaret Todd Maitland
Margaret Wurtele
Mary Jarvis and Michael Meyer
Meena Natarajan and Dipankar Mukherjee
Melinda Ward
Melissa Young
Merrell Jones
Michael Steward
Minnesota Black Authors Expo
M.J. McGregor
Nancy Fushan
Nancy Gaschott and Mark Ritchie
Nancy Shinder
Nichol Higdon
Pamela Fletcher
Patrick J. Troska
Pepe Willie
Phyllis Waggoner
Rachel Rice
Roger Hale and Nor Hall
Roger Lewis
Roxanne Givens
Saint Paul Almanac
Sankofa Moments Publishing
Sara Zuk
Scott Libin
Sharon Anderson
Shawn Otto
Sheila Williams Ridge
Solomon R.
Sue Crolick of Fidelity Charitable
Ted Bowman
Thomas and Brenda Cornell
Thomas Nins
Todd Shipman
Traci K.
Trisha Speed Shaskan and Stephen Shaskan
Ty Chapman
Yvonne Cheek and Mike Kirkwood


Amy Anderson
Quinn Christensen
Abby Gleason
Catherine Grotenhuis
Beth Marrinan
Karen McDonald
Adelaide Miller
Julie Muehlberg
Taylor Samuelson (she/her)
Shasa Sartin
Linnea Tani
Kelsey Taylor
Angela Torntore
Kate St. Vincent Vogl
Aomie Washington
Mee Yang


Institutional Support, Amazon Literary Partnership

Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker Foundation

Better Homes & Dykes

Boss Foundation

Chowgirls Catering

Jerome Foundation
McKnight Foundation
Minnesota State Arts Board*

National Endowment for the Arts

Patrick & Aimee Butler Family Foundation

The Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation

The Minneapolis Foundation

The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
The William Randolph Hearst Foundations


* Loft activities are made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Minnesota State Arts Board and Legacy Amendment Logos