Lacey Dunham

Lacey N. Dunham's novel The Belles is forthcoming from Simon & Schuster / Atria in fall 2025. Her writing has received support from the Elizabeth George Foundation, the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, and Catapult, where she was selected as a merit scholar, and appears in Ploughshares, Witness, The Normal School, Southwest Review, and McSweeney's Internet Tendency, among others. She has served in an editorial capacity for A Public Space, Electric Literature, Necessary Fiction, and Story. A first-generation college graduate of Hollins University, she believes in the necessity of creating equity, access, and welcoming environments for people traditionally excluded from literary spaces, and her efforts have taken her into roles as an indie bookseller, bookstore marketing director, writing teacher, and book prize judge. A Michigan native who grew up on a small family farm, she spent a number of years in the Appalachian region of Virginia, and now calls Washington, DC home. Visit her at