Madi Lommen

Madi holds a degree in Literature from Yale-NUS College, where she also taught writing across disciplines at the Yale-NUS Writer’s Center from 2017 to 2020. With over 300 one-on-one and small group consultations (225 tuition hours), Madi appreciates the power of peer review and encourages focused workshopping whenever appropriate. With particular focus on creative nonfiction, Madi has published works in English, Spanish, and Arabic on themes of race, feminism, and global citizenship, including “Our Rubik’s Cube of Race” (Yale Journal of Medicine and Law), “The Meat Market” (Tònes, Issue 4) and “Canonical Mischief in the Maqāmāt of Badīʿ al-Zamān al-Hamadhānī”. She is a former Fellow with Wellbeing and Equity in the World and works by day on building equitable economies. Her teaching style is best suited for the curious learner.