Maria Picone
Maria S. Picone/수영 is a queer Korean American adoptee who won Cream City Review’s 2020 Summer Poetry Prize. She has been published in Tahoma Literary Review, the Seventh Wave, Fractured Lit, and more, including Best Small Fictions 2021. Her work has been supported by Lighthouse Writers Workshop, GrubStreet, Kenyon Review, and Tin House. She is a 2022 Palm Beach Poetry Festival Kundiman Fellow and Chestnut Review’s managing editor. She is also the poetry editor at Hanok Review and associate editor at Uncharted Mag. Her work explores hybridity, identity, languages, and pop culture. She strongly believes in giving others the tools and the encouragement to write their own stories in whatever form seems right. Her website is, and her Twitter handle is @mspicone.