Manuscript Critique
Yasmine Ameli—Consultations and Coaching

Open to: 

Fellowship, MFA, and grant applications critiques; poetry, nonfiction, cross-genre manuscript critiques; holistic writing coaching

Profile Blurb:

As an educator, I am passionate about demystifying the writing process, providing writers with the craft tools they need to tell their stories, and democratizing access to writing and publishing resources. 

I offer holistic individual coaching for writers seeking guidance on cultivating sustainable writing practices, craft techniques, planning a project, developing and refining manuscripts (including chapbooks, full-length poetry manuscripts, flash creative nonfiction, long-form critical and personal essays, essay collections, and memoir), and submitting to literary magazines. I also offer application support for artist statements, awards, grants, fellowships, retreats, and the MFA. Some of my students are looking for sporadic feedback and others are looking for consistent mentorship. All are welcome!

What You’ll Submit: 

Your application or manuscript materials with a brief letter stating your revision goals.

What You’ll Get: 

Detailed in-line comments on your materials as well as a compassionate, attentive consultation with a professional writer and educator. 

Critique Details & Pricing

I charge $150 for a one-hour general consultation over Zoom. We can use our time together to discuss your goals, concerns, and questions about submitting to literary journals, applying for grants and fellowships, pursuing an MFA or PhD, getting started on application materials, planning a project, or working through writer’s block. I am also happy to do a cold read of your work and offer my first thoughts.

I charge $150 (base) + $50/hour of preparation for a one-hour consultation over Zoom to discuss specific written materials. This option includes detailed in-line comments. For example, if you were to submit to me a 10-page poetry packet, and the preparation time required 2 hours, I would charge $150 (base) + $50/2 hours = $250 total. If you are interested in this option, please send over your writing for an estimate. 

I charge $1,000 for a full application portfolio review. Materials may include a cover letter, C.V./resume, artist statement, project proposal, project budget, teaching philosophy, DEI statement, supplemental essay questions, and writing sample. This option includes two rounds of editing, two 1-hour consultations over Zoom, and detailed in-line comments.


(Please note: these timelines are guidelines. The exact turnaround time we will depend on the scale of the project.)

  • Application portfolio – 2 weeks
  • 10-page poem packet – 1 week
  • One application essay – 1 week