Access Funds
A variety of Loft programming is available at a discounted rate with Access Funds, including adult classes, youth classes, Year-Long Writing Projects, and more. The Loft's Access Fund program is accepting applications on a rolling basis. Once admitted, students will join a pool of participants who can request Loft offerings for discounted tuition. Students may remain in the Pool for up to 3 years before re-applying. The Loft's Access Fund program is supported by the generosity of the Friends of Loft and general supporters and through grant contributions.
The Loft's Year-Long Writing Projects can help you take the next year to make your novel, memoir, nonfiction, or poetry collection the best you can make it. The Year-Long Writing Project is the only Loft offering that requires a separate Access Fund application from the Access Fund Pool. Seats are highly competitive, so learn more and apply below! There are two awards per cohort.
The Loft Access Fund program strives to make Loft classes and offerings accessible for as many constituents as possible and remove all barriers, including financial ones, to participate in our programming. The Loft's Access Fund program has assisted hundreds of people in joining our programs and advancing their skills as writers.
Access Funds reduce the cost of class tuition on a Pay As You Can model - student pays on a sliding fee schedule of 5% or 25% of the cost of tuition. There are at least two Access Fund seats in each youth class, but please give us a call or send an email to see what is available! Join the Youth Access Funds Pool to learn about discounted classes and events on a monthly basis. Please contact the Loft’s education department at 612-379-8999 or [email protected] if you have any questions regarding youth access funds.