2021 Voices of Lincoln Poetry Contest

Alan Lowe
April 12, 2021

The 17th Annual Voices of Lincoln Poetry Contest officially begins in April, as part of the celebration of National Poetry Month. The theme of this year’s contest is “If Life Were A Game Show, What Would Poets Say?” The five (5) new contest categories, selected from the names of popular TV game shows, include the following: “Let’s Make A Deal”    “To Tell The Truth”    “The Price Is Right”    “Family Feud”    “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.” Poets may submit a maximum of three poems, no more than one in each of three of the five contest categories.

Everyone is encouraged to enter the contest. Poets do not have to live in Lincoln, CA to be eligible. There is no entry fee. Young Poets, 18-years of age or under, are encouraged to submit poems and will compete in a special “Young Poets” category. Winners also will receive a commemorative chapbook of the winning poems.

The “Rules and Entry Form” can be downloaded from the following website: 

https://friendsofthelincolnlibrary.org/voices-of-lincoln-poetry-contest/ or blog: https://slolowe44.blogspot.com/2021/03/2021-voices-of-lincoln-poetry-contest.html. All poems must be received no later than Tuesday, July 20, 2021, at the address on the Entry Form.

Alan Lowe
Coordinator, 2021 Voices of Lincoln Poetry Contest

[email protected]