Driftless Writing Center seeks submissions for its 10th anniversary anthology

Driftless Writing Center
January 14, 2019

For its 10th anniversary anthology, the Driftless Writing Center seeks poems, essays, short stories, self-contained novel excerpts, black-and-white artwork, and hybrid forms that relate to and are rooted in the Driftless region (a geographic area defined here).

We welcome a broad range of voices, styles, topics, and experiences and encourage people from all backgrounds to be part of this collection of voices from the Driftless area.

Find complete guidelines and submit your work from January 15 until April 1, 2019 online at https://driftlesswritingcenter.submittable.com/submit.

Initial selections will be made by prose- and poetry-judging subcommittees comprising Driftless Writing Center instructors. Final selections will be made by guest editors Matt Cashion (Fiction), Nikki Wallschlaeger (Poetry), and Amy Weldon (Nonfiction and Hybrid).

Contributors whose work is chosen will receive $75 plus two complimentary copies of the anthology and may be invited to read at a public celebration of the book’s publication.