Making Peace: An Anthology of Poems and Brief Essays
Each generation takes up anew the challenge of peace-making at individual, interpersonal, community, national, and world levels. We seek to calm the chaos that can arise within our souls. We strive to bridge differences that divide us, commit to working to end systems that marginalize and oppress, and lend our support to efforts that bring wars to an end. While an anthology of poems and reflective essays might at first seem insignificant given the magnitude of the challenges before us, writers as artists are in a unique position to reflect on peace-making in all its variability. Making Peace seeks diverse perspectives of what it takes to be at peace and to live together in peace. Editors Victor Klimoski and Ann Glumac invite submissions of poems (40 lines or less) and brief essays (not to exceed 300 words) that reflect writers’ interpretations of some aspect of peacemaking, both the challenge and the hope.
Submissions are due by May 1, 2025. Selected contributors will receive two copies of the book and maintain copyright over their submissions.
Entries must be submitted electronically as an attachment to: [email protected]. Please do not include illustrations and use 12-point Times Roman font.