Video Interview: Teaching Artist Aegor Ray

Aegor Ray is a writer, interdisciplinary artist, and organizer with the Sex Workers Organizing Project (SWOP-Minneapolis). His work has appeared in Peach Mag,, and BEST BUDS! Collective. He was shortlisted for the 2018 Cosmonauts Ave Poetry Prize and was a 2018–2019 Loft Mentor Series Fellow in poetry. Aegor has performed in or created public art for Pangea Theater’s 2020 Lake Street Story Circles Project, Queertopia, Queer Voices, and Daddy. He is currently writing a short story collection of trans speculative fiction and paranormal romance. Aegor is a Sagittarius.
This interview references Aegor's class Sense of Adventure: The Sky Rains Diamonds—Crafting Poetry from Nature and Space Documentaries, taught winter/spring 2021. To see Aegor's current classes, visit his artist bio page.