ClassImagining a Better World Through Speculative Fiction (March)
Speculative fiction pushes the students to imagine what could be. As the author Simon Sinek has said, “Before we build the world we want to live in, we have to imagine it.” This session will ask writers to push the boundaries of what they know to be possible by changing one small thing in our known world, and creating the new systems, societies, and consequences of the revised detail. Speculative fiction often asks "What if?" We will write two separate short story drafts in our session: one that asks what if one detail was different about our world, and one that asks what if we changed the ending of one harmful moment in our lives.
This class takes place in-person, at the Loft at Open Book; we encourage participants to be fully vaccinated and masked in the interest of everyone’s safety. Please see the Loft’s website for the most up to date information about the Loft’s COVID policies.