ClassSetting the Scene: Place Matters
The choice of a setting or place can be just as crucial as the characters in a story—some might say the setting IS another main character. In this one-day session, we’ll examine how a story’s sense of place can determine the shape and structure of a narrative. We’ll cover the distinction between setting and scene, and the many elements of story that a setting can provide to our characters. We will also work on a generative writing exercise in which we examine how we write about place, and how we might get even more out of the spaces where our characters act.
Put into practice some of the craft elements you hear from the night before at Jon's book launch of his debut novel Big Chief with Teresa Peterson at Milkweed Books on Friday, April 11 at 6 PM! Please pre-register for this event.
This class takes place in-person, at the Loft at Open Book; Please see the Loft’s website for the most up to date information about the Loft’s COVID policies.