Looking for a couple beta readers for a novel draft; offering to be one in return

Suzy Gustafson
June 5, 2024

Hello, fellow writers!

I am working on my first novel and nearly done with a second draft.  I am looking for candid feedback on this draft from two or three "blind" beta readers (people that don't know me and don't have to worry about hurting my feelings or trying too hard).  My ideal reader would be a person who loves great fiction and who can set aside the "work-shopping" feedback model, and can instead pretend my draft is already a novel a trusted friend recommended to them.  My dream is that this reader/ angel sent from heaven would then read it cover to proverbial cover, and essentially give me the typed version of what they might say over coffee to the recommending friend, earnest reactions, jokes, stream of conscious associations and all.  This would be an invaluable service to me.

I could be just such a beta reader to you, as well, if you have any interest in swapping drafts.

If I haven't lost you yet --- thank you for considering!  Please email me with further thoughts and questions.  (This is a realist, character-driven novel that takes place in the post-modern age we all have to deal with, but I think I am aiming at a post-modern romanticism of sorts.  I'll be happy to send over a bit more information about the novel itself.)

- Suzy

([email protected])