Lit!Series Registration
Sign Up Today
Lit!Series is a weekend celebration dedicated to writers and readers. This Lit!Series is focused around the topic of Banned Books. There are a number of ways to explore the weekend, so pick your path from the offerings below and join us!
- The all-access Weekend Craft Pass includes craft sessions, Lunch and Learns, and evening tickets. The only thing you'd possibly need to add are the one-on-ones.
- Evening tickets to our Friday night party and Saturday night conversation at O'Shaughnessy
- One-on-One Consultations and Pitches with visiting agents and editors (these also include access to the weekend Lunch and Learns—register below).
Lit!Series Events
The Friday and Saturday Lit!Series Events are stand-alone events. The weekend craft pass and one-on-one consultations and pitches are found in the filterable list above.